January 8, 2007


I decided to take a big swig of my codeine laced cough syrup, take a pill, and head to work. I was busy for the first fifteen minutes or so. Now I'm bored.

But being bored at work leaves me time to ponder life and I guess thats an okay thing.

Some thoughts:
1) Not hearing from PC is starting to worry me. I got nominated and passed all my clearance...they'll invite me right? I know I haven't been contacted by placement so I take that as a good sign. That means that I don't have to send in an updated anything. But man this waiting thing bites.

My medical clearance took three months. I imagine someone needs to see my file and go "wow...we made him wait how long? lets get his invite out to him pronto". Karma doesn't work that way though. Which on a quick tangent, I try to do the nice thing, pick up litter, volunteer for extra hours/deduct hours, etc. And today someone picked up something I dropped and handed it to me. I think all the nice things I did last year were just used to hand me a piece of paper. Karma...she's funny isn't she?

2) I'm a moron. In preparation for the Peace Corps (and yet I've not received an invite yet) I decided to get things I would need. Now I have no idea where I'll end up so trying to list "what I'll need" is kinda hard. But sticking with my nomination I can deduce I'll be working with youth. So I figured "camping". I don't know HOW I deduced that but I did. So I bought myself a multi-tool. With all the stuff I read I thought it was a great investment. If anything I can use it around the house I end up in. Well here's the thing about this multi-tool. It has like five screwdrivers, can opener, bottle opener, metal saw, wood saw, nail file, scissors, wire cutters, etc. Amazing amount of stuff. Then I noticed it didn't have just a regular blade. I then found a serated blade and touch the part right before it. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd ow. It's a combo knife and it just gashed my thumb. Maybe this is why PC is thinking over my invite. I can't read instructions.

3) Being sick for the past ohh..month made me imagine the horror of being sick in another country. I'm not whiney and demanding to hear from my mom when I'm sick but I bet it'll be amazingly odd. Do doctors outside of the U.S. ask for symptoms or do they just poke around? Will they try and convince me that I need to get a colonoscopy in order to get over diarrhea? The world will never know...

4) Penpals rock my face. Finding out that I should hear about an invite soon excited the crap out of me. Yet I've had few people to talk to about it. For instance, I went home yesterday to have dinner with my parents and a conversation came up about the Army. I made a comment that atleast I wasn't joining up to get shot at. My mother's response "no but you're...never mind how about the chicken". So being able to talk to a penpal in DC, Thailand, or Azerbaijan about this entire process really helps disseminate the excitement.

5) I ate too many bagels. I don't feel too hot. :-/

Next time I write a post...hopefully it will contain "I was invited and accepted".

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