December 12, 2006

An ol' fashion whining

I now understand why the Peace Corps wanted me to type up a summary of my seasonal allergies. How did I get to that conclusion? Lets take a look at the past week for me shall we?

I started to feel the affects of the weather changing. It dropped to roughly 15 for most of the week with the week prior being that of like 40. The drastic weather change caused me to feel weak and oh so irritable. I was never comfortable sitting at work, walking around at the other work, or doing any form of exercise. And then WHAM my sinuses kicked in. Massive massive sinus drainage. I've tried several means to deal with sinus drainage. Mucines, sinufed, nyquil/dayquil, benadryl, tylenol, alka-seltzer, or a combination of the previous. The only real affect came from nyquil as it helped me sleep and upon my awakening I was fine for the next couple hours.

However the drainage has ceased and a new problem has arrived. Sore throat, coughing, and what was once drainage is now pain when I swallow. Oh and I'm extremely tired. I think I may just have the flu. For the sake of everyone I work with they best hope not. I licked all the cups down in the break room.


But I'm tempted for the sake of having a good story to tell.

Alas, me not feeling well led me to think about why the PC cares about medical stuff, even the trivial stuff. People get to feeling crummy and that can affect their work. I should know cause I'm not really doing much at work. Heck halfway through this, while at work, I nodded off for a bit. I need some cough syrup with codeine.


Anonymous said...

ok i don't know you, but i did a random search on google for "azerbaijan peace corps blog" and found your blog. I just got an intive on Saturday for June 2007 to hopefully your will get the june invite you are waiting for soon! good luck :)

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