July 24, 2006

Where does a B.A. in Liberal Arts get you?

So upon entering college I could've gone into marketing. Thats what the college expected of me. Thats what my dad expected of me. I was excellent in it in high school. National competitor, business student of the year. And what did I do? Political Science.

I've never really thought back and went "man I should've just done chemistry or accounting". I mean politics in important to society. Plato said that Political Science (capitalized due to importance...yes its not grammatically correct) is "the Authorative Science to rule the others". And I fully agree. I mean politics reflects society and pushes society to work in certain aspects. Granted it doesn't fully control society but it limits the access of society (i.e. cloning and stem cell research). It has its good and its bad.

I wanted to be a student of that science. Its a noble feat but lets face it...it doesn't pay the bills. Working as an administrative assistant would be okay if thats what I really wanted to do. But its not. I'd love to work for the IDP or the General Assembly. But to get on there you really needed to do an internship or know someone. I was the prez for the student government and know of no one.

Whats a guy to do? Well my friend Brandan wants me to move to Florida and live with him while he gets a position as a teacher with a pay of $37k a year. Yet I'd have no job and student loans being demanded to be paid at the beginning of next month.

Add on to still living at home with the parents.

All this due to my B.A. being in liberal arts and not really demanding in the field of careers.

So where does a B.A. in liberal arts get you?

The answer. Peace Corps.

No the PC isn't a cop out for working. It's not a back up plan to grad school. It's the next step in life for me. It just happens to be a really far step from now. I mean a year until my time comes up. Thats one heck of a wait. Then it'll be off to the Caucus Mt. range. Like it would hurt to know which country. Although the Republic of Georgia seems likely.

So it'll come down to finding out if I want to get another job in Indy or to forget it all and head to Florida for a little under a year.


Anonymous said...

I wish I majored or minored in something more academically well rounded like political science. If you ask me, computer information systems and business is a little boring.

Jake said...

Liberal Arts makes you one well rounded individual. Builds your character. Lets you dabble in all that is the world. But is only in high demand for grad schools.