May 15, 2006

On the road to nowhere

So I didn't really have a chance to post on how my interview went. Probably because I was uber busy this past weekend. But yeah it was pretty good.

X called and he opened up a questionarre and started spouting out questions that I had rehearsed my responses too. I even got the man to laugh. He asked about how I felt about wearing different types of clothes in a culture and my response was something like "well clothes are just a small part of me and I'm sure I can adapt my clothes to fit". So he responded with "well what if you were in a society where everyone worer Def Leppard shirts" "I'm okay with that. I like Def Leppard" he laughed and changed the question "what if they all dressed like ballerinas?" "well I would probably ask why then put on my tootoo".

All in all it was good. Then it came to nomination time. I was up for Central Asia in Feb but that got full. Then there was an interesting one in April in the Caucus Mts. But the pilot program in Eastern Europe sounded AMAZING. So amazing I capitalized it.

Now I'm on the road to nowhere (thank you Talking Heads...that song is stuck in my head). I'll have to wait a bit for medical stuff to come in and then work my ass off to get it all finished. My only issues I know of will be dental (wisdom teeth are intact) and the fact that growing up I had a TON of ear problems (up until I was like 10 or 12). But thats all better.

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