May 10, 2006

Free time

I have an immense amount of free time at work. I wonder if my bosses are aware of it. Will I tell them? Probably not. I like to keep them in the dark. I think they're aware of how little work I have to do and that what work I do have only takes 15 minutes, of which I've spread out to an amazing four hours. Thank you internet.

But alas an update on PC process. Yesterday I arrived at work with an email from X stating "why don't you give me a call to set up an interview". So I called during a break, not there. So I called during my lunch, not there. Finally I called after work, not there so I left a message.

So today I realized after reading some posts on Yahoo! (thank you peacecorps2) I decided to be persistent and not wait on X. So I called AGAIN and tada! I finally got X! My phone interview is tomorrow at 2 pm (1 pm here). Thats my update and I'm sticking to it.

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