May 4, 2006

El frustrat-o

I probably should not be sent to a Spanish speaking country. I make fun of them. In a fun and light way of course. I mean my friend Gerardo I nicknamed Chuck. He wanted an American nickname though! Probably didn't help that I kept referring to Taco Bell as real Mexican cuisine and that what he ate was just "faux Mexican". It was all good and fun though. He enjoyed the teasing.

X received my fax yesterday. I had to send it two more times because they didn't "get it". My fax said "hey I'm working okay on my end...don't know what their deal is". I may have exaggerated what it said. Probably something like "transmitting ok"...but thats boring. So he got it around noon-ish or so. Yet no interview was set up, no changing of my status to my application thing online. Maybe I'm just a bit pushy cause I want to go and serve. Hurry people!!! I want to go help!!!

Yeah...yeah...they'll probably still need help after a week. But I'm trying to be on top of everything. Oh well.

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