November 28, 2006

And it continues

Long time no post!

I had my blood drawn a couple weeks ago for the titers, CBC, and hepatitis B antigen surface thingy. I'm all normal and immune. Always a positive thing to find out. It took the lab two weeks to get that to me. Two weeks! real life I was much more patient. I typed up my symptoms to seasonal allergies in paragraph form explaining that the drastic temperature changes in the Midwest cause me to sneeze a lot in the morning and that some times I'll take a benadryl. Really thats all that happens but its called seasonal allergies? I'm fine with grass and pollen but by God change the temperature more than 20 degrees in one day and I look like hell.

Alas I sent out the remnants of the paperwork and hope that its enough for them. It should be seeing as everything is fine and sent in but who knows right?

There are rumblings going around about invitations coming for those due to leave in April and May. So I'd imagine by Christmas time (or January) I'll have my invite if all goes well. Yay?

I'm still excited about the Peace Corps but the paper work thats been bogging me down has well....bogged me down. Hard to imagine spending two years in another country when OMS keeps saying that they did the wrong hepatitis B antigen test. How many tests are there?! They say hepatitis B surface antigen and not the hepatitis B surface antigen envelope. My doctor says hepatitis B surface antigen core. Any idea folks? Oh well.

On a positive side of things after joining the Biggest Losers for the DOE (contest has 32 people and the pot for winning is $320) I've lost 4.6% of my body weight and can now do 30 pushups with ease. I don't think I've ever been able to do 15 with ease. So yay me and my new fangled biceps. Next goal, 50.

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