April 28, 2006


So yeah. I get to pay a fair amount to have my packet shipped off to Chicago. Thats right I get to go to FedExness to pay for a packet that would normally have paid postage. Why?

Turns out that the packet was "sent" on April 12th. I got it a week later. Which gives me a week and a few days to get all of it together. Which really boils down to a few days because of my conference early in the week. And the packet is due in the office on Monday. Probably would've gotten Tuesday but nooooo... Primary Elections. Oh the irony. My love for politics bites me in the rear end. Yet I'm still second guessing the whole form thing. Maybe because the online thing says the forms need to be completed. Should I call again? No idea.

Although I do enjoy the toolkit thing online. It gives the steps to go to the next level. I'm like 3 steps to being a nominee. Then 1 to being an invitee. Then there's trainee and volunteer....wow...lot of steps left. Oh well. Off to FedEx to donate my life and money.

***Edit***- $17. 36. Thats how much it cost me to have my packet overnighted (darn you Saturday charge!) to Chicago. I thought everyone would like to know. :-)

April 25, 2006

One, two, three

So three forms for the folks....

Yeah...totally the same thing as the online recommendation. So they only have to do one.

Would've known that if I got to see the online one. But nooooooooooooooooo.

But that means I get to ship off everything that I have so far!

April 21, 2006



I feel better. :-)

Three forms left to fill out. Just three! Libby has hers and who knows if she's done it or anything. Responding to email=good thing. Lacie will fill out one next week and my boss is late for work...by a few hours. :-)

So there's an update.

Oh and on a brighter side my sister, the destroyer of my childhood, has become my biggest family supporter. Considering my mom said I'd probably be taken from the home, beaten, and killed, it didn't take much to become my biggest family supporter.

April 20, 2006

"Now you can't get into trouble"

Wednesday was my fabulous day off. I woke up at 9am!!! Thats exciting for me. Sad but it was exciting as all can be.

After eating some muffins (wildberry...deliciousness) I made my phone calls to Chicago and to Hendricks County. PC-Chicago informed me that they no longer send label sheets (what I was missing in my initial packet of forms). Which was a big sigh of relief. Then Hendricks County Sheriff's Office DOES do fingerprinting (and for free!). So after a bit my mom and I (yeah somehow I got her to come on my errands) jumped in the car and drove to U of I. Ahhh good ol' U of I. It was a teacher's conference in Schwitzer. Which means busy as can be. Which also meant the form for Libby got to wait in her mail folder while she was at conference. After I trudged through ruthless, and bitter teachers (not really) I got my transcripts and proceeded to Danville, IN (Hendrick's County Chair...they need something more catchy...pie capital of central Indiana...something...).

Fingerprinting is an art really. You stand there and let someone direct your hands to the canvas. And my hands on instructor was Elizabeth (cute young 20 year old with COLD hands). While pushing my hands into ink my mom made the comment "now you can't get into trouble". Did that mean before hand I could've? When asked about it being for an employer I responded about joining the PC. Her response was "well good for you" and something more was to come out except we were interrupted by a guy wanting to get a gun license. Sure take away my moment with the cold handed Elizabeth by asking to have a gun license, ya insensitive gun person.

Alas two additional things added to my folder to the PC. Just have to track down Lacie, annoy Libby, and beg my boss to fill out their confidential forms. I think two weeks is enough time to get it all together. Mayyyyyybe.

April 18, 2006

El paperwork-o

I should've taken Spanish in high school or even college. "Noooooooo take German. It's easier." My friend David said. Not only was German hard with the red headed former Nazi, it hasn't paid off yet. I could've put Das paperworkisch but that would just prove the professor right in giving me a B in the class (I did well on the final).

Alas while I was writing an earlier post I was assuming I'd get some form of paperwork to do in the next few days or maybe a phone call for the PC. Turns out when I got home after an interentingly odd day ("help" at a conference, loooong lunch, sit at an office playing on the computer...ie post..and finally clean up at conference) I came home to a packet on the table from PC. Yay? Ahhh a packet full of information demanding to be filled and returned in two weeks. Its like a miniature test of my endurance. Get fingerprints done at a police station (seriously....), get my transcripts, deliver some reference forms for them to fill out that will be mailed to me then to the HQ (lots of steps), and something else (fortunately my memory isn't being tested).

Needless to say I'll be running around tomorrow getting this all done. Plus add to the fact that they forgot to add something to my packet. Interesting-isch.

My road to nowhere...

Yesterday I learned an important thing about myself.

As I walked into work, turned off my iPod, took out my ear pieces, and took off my glasses, I was apporached by my boss (of which I think I have like five...all different titles/demands of me). She corrected me on a form I filled out that I was given by another boss (Education Specialist) that was for requesting comp time for Monday's prep work for a teacher's conference. Turns out that I'm not allowed to work it because the "Department frowns upon it". This proceeded to cause a battle between the bosses.

I didn't work Monday night but my story doesn't end there. I ended up helping prep for the conference during work (the one boss was able to get me to do this without informing the other one). During this "prep time", otherwise known as lugging crap, I learned two things. 1) I'm by no means a wuss. 2) I'm not Superman. I don't even think I'm on a Supergirl or Superboy level either. Maybe a Superman with some kryptonite around...and a chest cold. What? Clark Kent looks buff.

Cut to why I really created this bloooooooooog. About a week ago I sent in my Peace Corps application. Which I had previously done about six or seven times beforehand but never turned in. Chicken? A little. But I made a lot of pointless excuses not to finish it. So I turned it in. Begged a friend to write a recommendation (actually three volunteered), coaxed a volunteer supervisor to fill one out, and my boss suprisingly enough agreed to do one. Definitely ran out of excuses. It's like God wants me to go forth and prosper...in another country, details details...

That application took me part of the work day to do. I had nothing to do. Go figure. Then the magical medical form with questions like "Do you have a heart problem? Yes or No" "Do you have glaucoma? Yes or No". I mean there were no options to write "Yeah but it was a mild heart attack. I just took an ibuprofen and got over it" or "why are you offering marijuana? I don't smoke it but I can help some poor farmers in South America sell it". Unfortunately I just got to click the little circle with no. Poor poor farmers won't get my marijuana selling skills...of which I really have none. I think I heard somewhere about a quarter..or dime of marijuana...does that mean how much it costs or its size or what?

I'm too much of a straight shooter. I need to know these mad gangsta' skills before I do the Peace Corps. I need to represent America right. Probably should work on daying "dawg", "foo", and "ya'll" without having a smirk.

Anywho, I'm waiting on my toolkit from the Peace Corps and a phone call in order to continue this adventure. Knowing me I'll be like "okay time to go to the doctors and get all the tests done tomorrow". Paperwork is either my best friend or my nemesis. If I do it as soon as I get it then it's grand. But if it requires little energy then it sits (ex: my taxes sat at home for a month...all they needed was a signature).