April 20, 2006

"Now you can't get into trouble"

Wednesday was my fabulous day off. I woke up at 9am!!! Thats exciting for me. Sad but it was exciting as all can be.

After eating some muffins (wildberry...deliciousness) I made my phone calls to Chicago and to Hendricks County. PC-Chicago informed me that they no longer send label sheets (what I was missing in my initial packet of forms). Which was a big sigh of relief. Then Hendricks County Sheriff's Office DOES do fingerprinting (and for free!). So after a bit my mom and I (yeah somehow I got her to come on my errands) jumped in the car and drove to U of I. Ahhh good ol' U of I. It was a teacher's conference in Schwitzer. Which means busy as can be. Which also meant the form for Libby got to wait in her mail folder while she was at conference. After I trudged through ruthless, and bitter teachers (not really) I got my transcripts and proceeded to Danville, IN (Hendrick's County Chair...they need something more catchy...pie capital of central Indiana...something...).

Fingerprinting is an art really. You stand there and let someone direct your hands to the canvas. And my hands on instructor was Elizabeth (cute young 20 year old with COLD hands). While pushing my hands into ink my mom made the comment "now you can't get into trouble". Did that mean before hand I could've? When asked about it being for an employer I responded about joining the PC. Her response was "well good for you" and something more was to come out except we were interrupted by a guy wanting to get a gun license. Sure take away my moment with the cold handed Elizabeth by asking to have a gun license, ya insensitive gun person.

Alas two additional things added to my folder to the PC. Just have to track down Lacie, annoy Libby, and beg my boss to fill out their confidential forms. I think two weeks is enough time to get it all together. Mayyyyyybe.

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