March 1, 2007

I think the Peace Corps hates me...

***Note- I'm a bit...frustrated at the moment. So this post is merely an inner look at WHY.

A year ago I submitted my application, had an interview, and was nominated for a program for a year and a half later. I was ready to leave in six months.

Once I got my medical packet I started to make doctor appointments. Problem, no one knew who my doctor was. Not even my insurance who then reassigned me, didn't tell me, and then he switched who he took. I didn't have a doctor for three months.

Finally got a doctor, filled out the forms, and gave blood for labs. The PC didn't say exactly WHICH hepatitis B test they needed. I gave more blood. And then some more for safe measure.

3 months I heard nothing for my clearance.

Two months of hearing nothing about placement.

Finally get invited. I have one day to decide. I accept and am told "fill out and send your visa/passport application like the next day". Receive a CD that only runs on PC.

Today I get a welcome packet from the country desk. It has a CD for 30 days of language. I have roughly 17 days until staging to do this.

CD only runs on PC. I own a Mac.

Add into the fact that I feel like the last kid picked to play a game at recess. People are clicking and getting to know each naturally I feel a bit..left out? Something like that.

By the time staging comes around, I'll know a couple people by name but not face, have no idea of the language, and apparently be under prepared technology wise because I prefer Macs over PCs and refuse to buy a new laptop.

I think the Peace Corps hates me....that or I have bad luck.

Maybe the bad luck. Its hard for an organization to hate someone.

I'm just stressed. I've so much to do with little time and with each thing I get from the Peace Corps it just adds more stuff to do that I literally cannot do. Argh I say...argh!

Updated- Letting that out made me feel better...still frustrated but less...

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