March 15, 2007


The days are going by WAY too quickly. I've got a fair amount to do in preparation to going to Ukraine. I mean I've yet to move back into my parents house. I've not packed, though I plan on it soon. I need to add my mom to my bank account. Set up a power of attorney, maybe I'll do that today. Here's hoping.

But in my defense..I've been hanging out with friends and its all starting to settle in. I'm leaving soon. For two years. You can't come with me.

Scary...I know once I pack I'll post up what I decided to take. You know...the penultimate packing list. On that note I did pack my backpack for a trip to Florida this weekend, I know I know...why not be more productive?!, and it turned out I can fit four days in my backpack.

I've a feeling that I'll be coming down to the wire in preparation....we'll see.

Oh and mad props to Ashley for posting on my blog. It always amazes me when people reply to this. Why? I've no idea. Its like getting a letter in the mail.

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