November 8, 2006

Future thoughts

It occured to me awhile ago that I may not be able to keep this blog up and going for several reasons. Whether its due to security reasons (I doubt people in the Caucus region would really care about what I told America about their food...but whatever...they may), lack of internet, or even little time to update. Rest assured faithful readers, whomever you are, I'll keep my blog alive and well.

Besides I think reading blogs goes along with one of the tenets of the PC, sharing another culture with America (or for Borat fans...U S and A!). I've learned a fair amount from reading other blogs about their adventures, let downs, fall outs, foibles, and joys. Heck I even have personal favorites. For me they are like rock stars, they may not have the whole sex drugs and rock n' roll bit but whatever works right? The teacher traveler guy cracks me up and yet I'm intimidated by his mad skills to climb stuff. I'm afraid of heights so naturally he intimidates me. Brian Herbert is a good read, and he responds well. Matt from One Revolution updates a LOT so its enjoyable to see the somewhat mundane life of a PCV. I also enjoy Julia from Thailand because of her flat out honesty with her short comings.

Yeah I don't know any of them and probably never will but they are giving me hope that I can and will do a decent job. Heck someone may one day read my post about how I've counted how many times I've had rice pilaf*. That may in turn give them a laugh or give them an idea of what life is like for me. And that is a great cycle. It shows the human side of serving and allows you to think "oh wow I wonder what they are like in person". Maybe I'm just in awe of PCVs. No idea...but probably.

I saved another volunteer for last because well there is a chance of meeting her. She's the one that told me that there's a good shot I'd probably end up in Azerbaijan. I can just imagine meeting her and saying "wow reading about your life has been amazing and its so great to finally meet you". That'd be creepy AND weird. So lets hope I don't meet her.

On a PC frustrated note on Sunday, Monday maybe, I was so irritated that I was going to say some unlikeable things on Myspace about the PC taking FOREVER with my medical clearance. But the first post I saw was someone with the same issue...but theirs was 6 months long. Couldn't complain after reading her post. I hadn't had rude people talk to me. I hadn't had to wait six months to go and serve (only 3...and yes I'm counting). So I couldn't complain and I lost that infuriating desire to say ill-will. I realize all the prioritizing and everything I really do. But you'd imagine they would hire more people AND would be up front about waiting periods. Oh well. My patience is being tested and so far I've been pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Keep the faith, it took me over a year! I also managed to get mono and miss my first invitation. Good luck, and stay healthy, at least until you get there.

Anonymous said...

So, just to let you know, as a current PCV who has met a few of the bloggers who I read leading up to coming here, it tends to be pretty disappointing. The people who write well on the internet are usually people you don't want to hang out with in real life. Just a heads up.