October 19, 2006

9 Weeks!!!

Its been 9 weeks to the day since I've heard anything from the PC. And by anything I mean in regards to medical (dental went by rather quickly). Yesterday I gave my screening assistant a call. I assumed they would be back from their honeymoon. Alas, voicemail. Then today around noon I was playing video games at work (normal) and my cell rang. Didn't recognize the number so I didn't answer. Not the first time. Voicemail. Well I'll be. Tada its my screening assistant! Weird. I called him back, nothing. "Son of a..." is what my coworkers heard. Hour later they called me back and we briefly discussed how on earth I hadn't heard a thing. Turns out they were supposed to have reviewed my file but hadn't and that I would hear something shortly. I should've asked if shortly meant a day, a week, three months...etc. But atleast they were courteous enough to call me back and to be so prompt. I'll give'em credit for that.

Oh for those that only get to read this blog another update. I got the job at the GAP (EXCELLENT employee discount) and I've mainly been working weekends. My boss...hottie. Assistant boss...major hottie. One of my coworkers...reallllllly cute. Has a bit of a southern draw to her and a giant smile.

Loads better than hearing about dried up vagina and menopause.

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