May 1, 2006


So when I came into work today I had one goal in mind. Check mytoolkit to see if everything is in. Was it? No. Which left me to wonder what happened.

My $17.36 paid for delivery on Saturday. As of this morning my packet sits in FedEx in Chicago? Refund I say!

Oh well. I'm sure it'll be delivered today. Then I get to call for an interview. Yaaaaay....nervous about that. I hope I don't get grilled. "Whats your favorite type of cheese? Will you eat a goat's head? Do you have clamydia? Whats the capital of Djibouti? How much patience will you have if your boss is technologically ignorant and you have to help him at a moment's notice? Do you sleep in the fetal position? Have you ever licked a toad? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Why do you want to join the Peace Corps? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? How many licks to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop? And lastly...where in the world is Carmen San Diego?"

I doubt they'd ask all that. But for the record: Blue (or cheddar). Depends on how its cooked and if I have to. Nope. Djibouti (google it folks). Probably not a lot but I'll adapt. Yes...especially when I'm cold. Not that I know of. What exactly is chucking wood? I want to help. Nope. Don't swing that way. 257. Djibouti.


Anonymous said...

You missed a question:
Why do you want to join the Peace Corps?

They prob. will actually ask that one! I am not sure I knew there even was a Djibouti. Your post was very educational. And bleu cheese is awesome.

Jake said...

I want to help. That'd be my answer in the blunt simplistic way. Can't really put it out there in a simple post. That'd take too long.

Djibouti is right next to Somalia. :-) I just like the way it sounds.