July 25, 2006

El Language

So in my boredom at work I decided to look into the Caucus Mts for an idea of weather related issues. Is it hot, cold, snowy, wet, foggy even. And in general I've no idea.

Lets say I end up in Western Georgia. Well thats not enough. Lets say Western Georgia 10 km from the mts. Then I'll have a lot of rain to deal with, humid summers, and snowy winters. But say I'm in Eastern Georgia near the coast I'll have less rain, more humid, and a snowy but milder winter. Intriguing I thought.

Then I came across the language part. Ummmm...yeah. Kartuli (ქართული) the transliteration of that is Georgian. Looks like scribbles to me. Yup. All scribbles. I know that first thing is a k but thats about it. So I then decided to look at Azerbaijan and Armenia. I honestly think that Georgian is the hardest. My personal opinion though.

Those poor poor Georgians will have to do so much work with me.

July 24, 2006

Where does a B.A. in Liberal Arts get you?

So upon entering college I could've gone into marketing. Thats what the college expected of me. Thats what my dad expected of me. I was excellent in it in high school. National competitor, business student of the year. And what did I do? Political Science.

I've never really thought back and went "man I should've just done chemistry or accounting". I mean politics in important to society. Plato said that Political Science (capitalized due to importance...yes its not grammatically correct) is "the Authorative Science to rule the others". And I fully agree. I mean politics reflects society and pushes society to work in certain aspects. Granted it doesn't fully control society but it limits the access of society (i.e. cloning and stem cell research). It has its good and its bad.

I wanted to be a student of that science. Its a noble feat but lets face it...it doesn't pay the bills. Working as an administrative assistant would be okay if thats what I really wanted to do. But its not. I'd love to work for the IDP or the General Assembly. But to get on there you really needed to do an internship or know someone. I was the prez for the student government and know of no one.

Whats a guy to do? Well my friend Brandan wants me to move to Florida and live with him while he gets a position as a teacher with a pay of $37k a year. Yet I'd have no job and student loans being demanded to be paid at the beginning of next month.

Add on to still living at home with the parents.

All this due to my B.A. being in liberal arts and not really demanding in the field of careers.

So where does a B.A. in liberal arts get you?

The answer. Peace Corps.

No the PC isn't a cop out for working. It's not a back up plan to grad school. It's the next step in life for me. It just happens to be a really far step from now. I mean a year until my time comes up. Thats one heck of a wait. Then it'll be off to the Caucus Mt. range. Like it would hurt to know which country. Although the Republic of Georgia seems likely.

So it'll come down to finding out if I want to get another job in Indy or to forget it all and head to Florida for a little under a year.

July 17, 2006


So last week I got my wisdom teeth taken out (Thursday to be exact). Which is an experience alright. I think I threw up like four times and slept like three hours and felt horrid. Note to anyone who hasn't gotten their wisdom teeth taken out...do it and get it over with. The meds make me nausous and uber tired. I write this thinking "maybe I'll take a half day".

Anyway when I went in to get the procedure done I took in my dental packet which had the form and bitewing xrays. Around 5pm (like 5:03) I was out of my stupor enough to check my packet. No signature, no copy of xrays, and my bitewings were gone. A little ticked. I spent Friday (even though I should've been resting) in and out of that office to get all three. Crazy. But alas my dental is done. Or so I hope.

Saturday I finally got my letter that allows me to visit a VA Hospital. I wonder how much it'll cost.

July 11, 2006

Doctor update

So I went and checked with my insurance...again. Yup still don't have a doctor until the first. Kinda shady isn't it? But I called PC and they'll be sending me an authorization letter to let me go to a VA Hospital for my exam and such. Yay.

July 10, 2006


So I was having a good day. Called in my insurance to the dentist (in which I get reimbursed for surgery...I can deal with that). Called to make an appointment with my doctor. They fit me in perfectly tomorrow. Called my insurance to make sure its okay. BAM! Day goes to hell!

Normally I keep names of people/groups/organizations to myself so as to not be slanderous but in this case I'll make an exception...yes they made me royaly mad. MPlan...yes thats M-P-L-A-N...decided to assign me a new doctor because my old one was in a different network. So I called today and they said I'd have to clear it with MPlan. MPlan was apparently unaware that the doctor left the network and that I would have to find a new doctor and until August 1st I would not have a doctor. Thats right I have no FREAKING DOCTOR!

So now I'm looking into going to a VA Hospital to get my paperwork filled out. I read something on a Yahoo! group about VA Hospitals filling out the forms and giving exams for either free or uber cheap. I'm hoping for free.


So here's an actual update. Last Thursday I had my dental exam. All was good except me being told I need to get my wisdom teeth taken out (which I expected). And of course having to come back for a filling to be done. Following that I went to a Peace Corps reception at an African gallery with my sister. Gotta say. I liked the gallery. It was nice. The food wasn't too bad either. I'm guessing its something better than what I'll get there but whatever.

My sister got a good laugh out of everyone though. People got into groups of family, current/former PCs, and nominees. My sister was the last at the family and made the claim "yeah I'm the sister of Jacob and I'm here to show him support or something like that but really I'm just glad he's leaving".

Wooo. Oh and I met someone that I have a mutual friend with. Don't know if friend is the right term though. This woman asked where I went to college and I told her and she was like "well I know these people" and one of them happened to be a roommate of the said mutual friend. Yeah...I totally made out with that "mutual friend". So I kept my mouth shut on that. And another notch was done in my dental clearance by getting my filling done on Saturday (ow) and my wisdom teeth come out this Thursday (probably a major ow). And I've yet to figure out who my doctor is. Lets hope that takes less time than the exam.

July 5, 2006

An update

So I finally have an update. After an excrutiating time of looking into finding out just exactly WHO is my doctor I found him. Then I found out he's moving offices. Then I found out I need my ID card to see him. I don't have it yet. BUT I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Thank God. Then I need to conquer the eye doctor so I can get my prescription and get another pair of glasses (I'll be reimbursed a whopping $12...for that anyway). More to come as I hunt down an ID card and figure out where my eye insurance is.